After all the planning and recruiting of the past month, our interest meeting has now come and gone...and what a turnout. It was great to meet many of those who had expressed interest in becoming a Deluminator - and we are looking forward to meeting the rest that couldn't come today.
It seemed that nerdfighteria was smiling down on us when Hank Green appeared on the giant TV screen above our meeting place halfway through the meeting. Talk quickly turned to vlogbrothers and John Green following this excitement.
Though we spent a fair deal of the morning discussing Harry Potter and our favourite fiction, there were even tears as the conversation went on to discuss Molly Weasley and her love for her children and Harry - we eventually got on to discuss the Harry Potter Alliance and what we aim to do as a chapter. With more members, our ideas are growing in number and complexity and we are looking forward to meeting the rest of the chapter and starting to plan our first campaign. Whether it be a unicorn blood drive, an apparating library, a care of magical creatures pound day...we dont know yet. But no matter, we now know we are finally making our own steps to fight world suck.
That's all for now
Feeling very accomplished and excited - Sean, Sasha and Zoe
We solemnly swear, that we are deluminators