Thank you for teaching me what I am truly capable of.
Thank you for introducing me to new and exciting people.
Thank you for showing me what teamwork, real teamwork, looks like.
Thank you for your message that age is no barrier to helping people.
Thank you for your message that age is no barrier to starting something great.
Thank you for the stress that was always unfounded.
Thank you to my Vice Presidents and sisters, Zoe and Sasha.
Thank you for 9,512 books for the Australian Literacy and Numeracy Foundation.
Thank you for $12,000 for the Hornsby Kuringgai Womens Shelter.
Thank you for 150 bags for the homeless of Sydney.
Thank you for 600 flowers, real or paper, for Esther Day.
Thank you for mittens for Koala burn victims.
Thank you for looking after neglected animals.
Thank you for everything you gave me every second I was blessed to be your President.
On the 1st February 2014, Zoe, Sasha and I sat on a rug in Chatswood with an impossible dream and a packet of lollies. We had faith that people would show up, faith that this could be something special, faith that we might actually be able to make a different to the world.
They say that the test of any successful creation is if it can exist without you. I think its fair to say that The Deluminators is about to pass that test.
I cannot imagine a more capable, talented, passionate, dedicated or truly humble person than Tess Watterson to take on the role of Deluminators President. I am genuinely excited to see the amazing new heights that she will lead The Deluminators to.
As I began compiling all of the Deluminators resources of the last two years into a comprehensive folder of information for the new executive team (Tess, Skyler and Riley), I couldn’t help reflecting on the mass of instructions that I had left accompanying the resources.
Sometimes change is just what is needed to unlock something even greater!
I see greatness ahead for The Deluminators!
As I so often repeat when talking about the mindset of giving: in order to be sustainable, charity must go both ways. Completely selfless charity merely drains one party and helps another, inevitably fading away.
I have grown immensely through this experience, and owe so much of who I am today to The Deluminators.
In case I haven’t said it enough in this blog post, Thank you!
Now Dear Tess,
I wish you all the best, I am so excited for future of The Deluminators with you holding the Elder Wand.